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- St Joseph's School Vision
- Learning Adjustment Leader's Message
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- 1/2 Neighbourhood
- 3/4 Neighbourhood
- Project Compassion Launch 2025
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- Child Safety News
- Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour
- Harmony Day 2025
- Easter Raffle 2025
- Stations of the cross
- Reconciliation
- Terry Cole’s ‘Circus in a Suitcase’
- Winter Uniform / Winter Pinafore Orders
- Prep Enrolments 2026
- SchoolTV - Digital Media Literacy & Safety Webinar
- Senior Athletics Carnival
- Book Club - Issue 2
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- Lost Key
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- Summersalt - Holiday Program
Learning Adjustment Leader's Message
One of the greatest skills our students can ever learn in their lives is the ability to read. Many studies indicate that a child’s emergent literacy skills significantly predict reading test scores in later years. A child’s capabilities in literacy allows them access to academic achievement in other subject areas. This then flows through a child’s schooling life, and then on into adult life, and subsequently, is linked to employment opportunities.
Parents and caregivers have a very important role to play in their child's literacy development both before and after they start school. One of the most effective things that parents can ever do is talking, listening and answering their child’s questions. Alongside this, you can enhance your child’s vocabulary and oral language by reading books together, taking trips to the library, playing informal games and play-based experiences together. Playing word games, teaching the alphabet and the sounds letters make, as well as rhyming words, will all positively contribute to your child’s literacy development.
Here at St. Joseph's our teaching staff strive everyday to improve the learning achievement of our students by fostering the development of literacy skills using the latest evidence-based reading instruction, alongside the Victorian Curriculum. The five essential sets of knowledge and skills for reading and a high quality literacy program includes phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
As the first ‘teachers’ of your child, we ask that you work in collaboration with the school to support your child with learning to read at home. You can do this by encouraging them to participate in reading activities every day.
Participation might involve:
- Reading to your child
- Reading with your child
- Listening to your child read
- Providing a quiet space and time for your child to read
- Talking to your child about what they are reading
- Asking questions about the texts your child is reading to promote critical thinking
- Encouraging your child to read a variety of texts
- Signing the reading diary
(Junior students should spend 10-15 minutes a night reading while Senior students should spend 15-30 minutes a night reading. We encourage all students to read as much as possible from a variety of texts).
Students will be provided with level appropriate books to read or may source their own suitable reading material. Teachers will review the students’ reading diaries regularly.
Source - fivefromfive, (2025).
Trish Martin
Learning Adjustment Leader
Recently in the 1/2 area we have been learning about growing and changing as we get older.
We have explored how we develop from an infant, to a toddler to a preschooler by participating in fun activities.
As a class we compared how long we were when we were born. We were able to put ourselves in order from shortest to longest.
As toddlers we followed along to nursery rhymes and copycat action songs. We then practiced crawling, rolling and walking.
As preschoolers we participated in rotations that focused on fine motor skills, building blocks, dressing ourselves with buttons and zips, sharing/reading stories and social play.
In the upcoming weeks we will be beginning our timelines of how we have grown overtime and identifying some of our important milestones.
1/2 Team
We’ve been diving into some really important topics lately in our class that are helping us grow both personally and academically!
We’ve been talking a lot about Reconciliation—what it means to own up to our mistakes, make things right, and work towards building stronger, more respectful relationships. It’s been a great way to learn about forgiveness, not just for others but for ourselves too!
We’ve also been focusing on developing a growth mindset. We’re learning that with effort, persistence, and learning from our challenges, we can get better at anything! It’s been so encouraging to see everyone keep trying, even when things get tricky, and celebrating progress, no matter how small.
In math, we’ve been mastering place value, which is all about understanding the value of digits based on their position in numbers—whether it's tens, hundreds, or beyond. It’s been awesome to see everyone gain confidence with larger numbers and build those strong math skills.
We’re excited to keep growing and learning in these areas, and we can’t wait to see what’s next!
3/4 Team

Project Compassion Launch 2025
On March 4th Mrs Martin, Mrs Coldebella, Billie and I went to Mary Mackillop Regional College for the new Project Compassion launch.
We had photos taken and we watched a lot of videos and did some quizzes. Patrick had to accept a white Project Compassion Candle on behalf of the school. We were halfway through when a representative for Caritas Australia, Sally, came up and talked about the Project Compassion launch for 2025. She talked about how much money we have raised to support Project Compassion over the years. We have raised $290 million dollars. Sally also talked about how we can help by raising money for the kids in need and the poverty in countries like Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, the Philippines, Myanmar and loads of other countries that are in poverty.
After we got a photo with Bishop Greg we went to the hall and got some pancakes and there was whipped cream, maple syrup, strawberry jam, butter, sugar and lemon.
Other representatives from different schools also came. Like Newhaven, Cowes, Korumburra, and Leongatha.
Parenting is for sure the ‘role of a lifetime’- tough, but incredibly rewarding.
The ABC has recently released a series about how to parent in the rapidly changing world using a sitcom family to play out parenting challenges which are then explored in the real world. The show, “The role of a lifetime” provides research and expert advice on tackling some of the key issues facing modern families, including social media, phones and gaming addiction. It is reiterated throughout the show that starting these conversations within families well before students hit the tween age bracket allows clear expectations to be created and established.
Claire Shannon
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour
Effective communication
Communication is the exchange of information, ideas and thoughts so that mutual understanding can be reached. Communication occurs between staff, students and parents, playing an important role in building clarity, collegiality and a positive school culture. Effective communication strengthens partnerships and networks within the school community to enhance student learning. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal (actions) and/or written and electronic. All communication should be safe, respectful and appropriate.
Effective communication is:
- Clear and concise
- Safe and appropriate, in line with the school’s expectations
- Actively listening and undertaking appropriate actions to demonstrate understanding
- An open, honest, tactful and genuine interaction between staff members, students and families
- Consistent between verbal and nonverbal messages
- Carefully considered, controlling the use of tone and demeanour
- Being able to plan for and adjust communication, as appropriate for participants and context
- A respectful, reciprocal and collaborative process between students, staff and families
- Encouraging constructive feedback across the school community
- Directly teaching effective communication skills through personal, social and emotional learning
- Encouraging and expecting students to respectfully express their views and contribute to the life of the school
Trish Martin and Kylee Bertacco
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Co-ordinators
On Friday, March 21, St Joseph’s will celebrate Harmony Day. Harmony Day is a time to show cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home, from the traditional owners of this land to those who have arrived from many countries around the world.
This day is an opportunity to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity and promote inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging, with the key message being “Everyone Belongs.”
To mark Harmony Day, students are encouraged to wear a splash of orange with their full school uniform. This could be an orange hair ribbon, headband, socks, or scrunchie.
Child Safety Team
Tickets are $0.50 each, or you can purchase both sides of the booklet for $10. Please return the tickets to the school with cash or submit them to the office with payment via CDFpay by Tuesday, April 1. Be sure to write the full name and phone number of the ticket purchaser clearly on the tickets. Additional booklets can be collected from the school office.
Raffle prizes will be drawn on Friday, April 4. Good luck, and thank you for your continued support!
A reminder that the Sacrament Reconciliation for the Grade 3 students will occur this Thursday, March 20 at St Joseph's Church at 6:30pm.
It is expected that the duration of the sacrament will run for approximately an hour, students will need a parent/carer to be with them during this time. Families are most welcome to receive the Sacrament on this night as well.
Terry Cole’s ‘Circus in a Suitcase’
Terry Cole’s ‘Circus in a Suitcase’ visits St Joseph’s School this term.
In week 9 and 10, students will be participating in an Artist in Residence program with Terry Cole. Terry is an accomplished writer, actor, comedian, and circus performer with over 15 years experience.
Over the fortnight, students will participate in several sessions and will have the opportunity to learn a variety of circus acts and tricks.
The grand finale will be in the form of a concert, held on the following dates:
Grade Prep to 2 Wednesday 2nd April beginning at 2pm
Grade 3 to 6 Thursday 3rd April beginning at 2pm
We would like to invite parents and friends to come along and enjoy the show.Winter Uniform / Winter Pinafore Orders
Transition to the winter uniform commences at the beginning of Term 2
Totally Work Wear is currently accepting orders for winter pinafores.
Please call 5672 5878 or visit in-store if you wish to try on or place an order for a pinafore.
Please note that pinafores will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to arrive.
Enrolment paperwork and school tours are now available for parents interested in enrolling their children in Prep for 2026. To schedule a tour for you and your child, please call the school office at 5672 1052 to arrange a convenient time.
All enrolment paperwork must be submitted, and placement offers accepted before the first orientation date. You can access enrolment packs via our website using the link below, or you can collect hard copies at the school office. Please make sure to complete the relevant paperwork and return it along with the required supporting documentation by June 1, 2025. Successful applicants will be notified prior to June 30, 2025.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to the school office.
SchoolTV - Digital Media Literacy & Safety Webinar
SchoolTV is hosting an exclusive session with two of Australia's leading experts in youth wellbeing and cybersafety, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Susan McLean. Gain invaluable insights on how to empower young people to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.
Please note, this webinar is a one-off event and will not be available to replay later.
Fee statements for 2025 are now available upon request. If you would like to receive one, please contact us at or call the office at 5672 1052. Any families with a current health care card, eligible for a concession on their fees and the CSEF payment, if you have not already completed the relevent paperwork please do so. If you are unsure or require assistance please contact the office.
For families eligible for the School Savings Bonus, forms have been emailed to you. Please complete these forms and return them to the office or email them to as soon as possible.
This key was found outside the school grounds.
Please contact the office if it belongs to you.

Weekday Masses:
Tuesday Our Lady Star of the Sea, Inverloch 11:00a.m.
Wednesday 9:30am St. Joseph’s Wonthaggi
Friday 9:30am St. Joseph’s Wonthaggi
Weekend Masses Our Lady Star of the Sea, Inverloch Sunday 9:00am
St. Joseph’s Wonthaggi Saturday 6:30pm, Sunday 10:30am
PLEASE PRAY FOR; Recently Deceased: Thomas Evans Anniversaries: Christopher Prentice For the deceased clergy of the Diocese of sale. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. “May they rest in peace.” We pray for the sick, lonely and those suffering from illness and pain. May God’s merciful love shine on them.
The Students receiving the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Thursday 20th March 2025
Parish Office will be open on Wed & Fri 8.30am-4.30pm. All items for the bulletin or Mass intentions to be received by 5pm on Thursdays.
Prayer Shawl Group : Wednesday 19th March 10.30am Inverloch Church Annex. New members always welcome! Wool & simple patterns available. Enquiries: Philippa Warby 0408 331 340 or Maureen Maartensz 0407 055 447
Lenten Prayer Group will be held at Wonthaggi Church on Mondays at 1.15pm. All Welcome
Help Needed: We are looking for Parishioners to assist with counting Church offerings after 10.30am Mass on Sunday. There is a 3 monthly rotational roster and it takes approx. 3/4—1 hour. (Training will be provided) Please contact John Bordignon 0438 672 279 or Denise Jeffries 0419 721 433
Baptism Workshop: Members of the Diocesan Pastoral Life and Mission Team are workshopping a resource for use in the Baptism Preparation of Infants across the dio- cese in 2025. This new resource will provide parishes with an easy-to use-preplanned resource which can sup- port both those new to the role and those who have been in the role for a while. Anyone involved in Bap- tism preparation are invited to attend one of the sessions. Those invited include Clergy, Baptism Preparation Teams, Sacrament Coordinators, Pastoral Associates and interested parishioners thinking about this important ministry. TIME: Start 7.00pm until 8.30pm You are invited to attend any session which works best for you. *Please note the Bairnsdale gathering will run 2.30pm-4pm* THE DATES AND VENUES ARE: • February 25 at Bairnsdale • March 11 at the Marian Room in Warragul • April 29 at Moe • March 27 at Pakenham • June 24 at St Laurence O’Toole’s Church, Leongatha • August 5 at Cranbourne •August 26 at Sale .
Parish Bulletin: If you would like to start receiving a copy of the weekly bulletin to your email please click on the link to register (those currently receiving the bulletin do not need to do anything) id=001Ol00000B2zMPIAZ&req=subscribe
If you would like assistance, please see Ann at the Parish Office
St Joseph’s Wonthaggi Cuppa after Mass held on 1st Saturday & Sunday of the Month
Our Lady Star of the Sea—Inverloch Cuppa after Mass held on 1st Sunday of the Month
Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our
Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever.
Our Parish is committed to the safety, well-being and dignity of all children, young people and adults at risk. Find out more at: and
If you are concerned about any form of abuse, or believe that someone is at significant risk, you should immediately raise your concerns with one of our Parish Safeguarding Officers. Contact the Parish Office: 03 56 721 111 or St. Joseph’s School Safeguarding Officer 03 56 721 052. Take care, we are here to help.
If you are in need of urgent assistance, please phone either Father Darren Howie 0356 722 923 or Ann on 03 56 72111 or 04999 15 784.
Father Darren Howie Ann Hemming
Parish Priest Parish Secretary
St. Joseph’s Parish Wonthaggi