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- St Joseph's School Vision
- Principal's Message
- Prayer
- Prep Neighbourhood
- 5/6 Neighbourhood
- 2025 Captains
- Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour
- Wellbeing
- Canteen News
- Book Club
- 2025 SRN Collection
- Diary Dates
- Conveyance Allowance Term 1 2025
- Parish News
- Wonthaggi Power Junior Netball
- Girl Guides Wonthaggi
Welcome to the 2025 school year! I hope everyone had a lovely break and made the most of the holiday period. It is great to see the students back at school and eager to begin the school year.
The emphasis for school over the initial few weeks will be on building/renewing relationships with our students and assisting them to build relationships with the new members of their class. It is our aim for the students to feel comfortable and supported so to this end we introduce them to classroom routines, procedures and expectations that we try to keep as consistent as possible. Every classroom displays and uses a Visual timetable each day. The students soon learn to read this timetable which provides some certainty as to what will be happening that day. Teachers explicitly refer to the Learning Intentions for each lesson which are accompanied by Success Criteria which let the students know what they are meant to learn and how they know if they have been successful in achieving the learning. This involves the students in their learning, helping them take responsibility and be an active part of it.
All classes will be trying to form a strong classroom culture that is conducive to optimal learning. Our whole school approach to positive behaviour provides the backbone for this work. Teachers and students will unpack and specify what it means to Be Respectful, Be Safe and Be a Learner, our three school expectations. Establishing classroom and school expectations for behaviour is crucial in helping every child experience a space where they feel safe, valued and have opportunities to challenge themselves in their learning. This practice is also strongly influenced by our belief in the Catholic Social Teaching of the Dignity of the Human Person:
The Catholic social teaching principle of human dignity is about understanding that each of us is made in God’s image. Our common humanity requires that we respect and uphold the dignity of each and every human being. All our other rights and responsibilities flow from this dignity. This principle is deemed as the central aspect of our Church’s social teaching.
Our Student Code of Conduct specifies the behaviour we expect of our students:
Expected Student Behaviours and Conduct
- Uphold the School’s Catholic ethos, traditions and practices
- Behave in a respectful and courteous manner towards other students, teachers, school staff and all members of the school community, including visitors
- Behave in a manner that does not endanger the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves or others
- Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
- Adhere to all School policies and procedures at all times, including during school activities and events or when representing or acting on behalf of the School
- Respect School property and the property of other students, teachers, school staff, and visitors
- Actively participate in learning by completing work set by teachers promptly and to the best of their ability
- Refrain from behaviour which would interrupt the work of any class or hinder the learning opportunities of other students
- Dress appropriately by complying with the school uniform or dress code
- Value the interests, ability and culture of others
- Communicate with other students, teachers and school staff and members of the school community, including visitors, in an open, positive and honest manner.
Here at St Joseph’s we highly prioritise working in partnership with parents to achieve the best outcomes for our students. Open communication is vital for this to occur. We have many avenues of communication including Seesaw, SIMON via PAM, our Facebook page, the newsletter, email, telephone and face to face conversations. We invite you to utilise these avenues to maintain communication. Please ensure your PAM and Seesaw accounts are set up.
More information around communication can be found on our Communication/Email/Seesaw Policy.
Communications / Email / Policy
In relation to the last two points I give parents a gentle reminder that we all want the best for our students. To achieve this, we need to work together. We strive to create a culture of respectful relationships. As parents, guardians or carers, you act as one of the most influential role models in your child’s life. We therefore seek your support in promoting and upholding the core values of the school community and its culture of respectful relationships. Please see our Parent Code of Conduct for more information.
Teachers, similarly, are held accountable by a Code of Conduct set by the Victorian Institute of Teaching and numerous other policies including Duty of Care, Child Protection, and Pastoral Care to name a few and many around Child Safety.
Student School Leaders Pledge Ceremony
Yesterday at our first whole school assembly for 2025 the newly appointed school captains made their pledge to the school community to be exemplary role models and uphold the school values. They were all awarded their badges (which will be blessed at the Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday, March 5th).
We thank them for their willingness to be leaders and look forward to working with them throughout the year!
SRC representatives from the Gr 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 classes will be elected in the coming weeks. The Gr 5/6 SRC representatives will confer with the Prep classes throughout the year. The Student Representative Council will meet regularly with myself and/or Mrs Gin, our Deputy Principal.
Joanne Coldebella
What a wonderful start to the year the Prep classes have had! The children are diving into their new school experience with so much excitement and joy. It has been delightful to see them arriving at school with big smiles, remembering to put their drink bottles in the tubs and their bags on the hooks, and enjoying playful moments with friends before the bell rings.
This week, the Preps began their learning journey with Milo the Monkey, discovering the sound m while also starting to recognize numbers from 0 to 10.
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the Prep parents for your amazing support in helping the children transition into school life. We are looking forward to a fantastic term ahead!
Prep Team
On Wednesday the 29th of January we had our first day back at school, except for the new Preps, who started on Thursday. Everyone was happy to be back at school. The Grade 6s had their first buddy recess with the new preps and there will be many more buddy lunches. We had fun eating morning tea with our buddies and helping them settle into the playground.
It is going be a busy term with lots going on for the senior students. We have been completing maths, spelling and writing assessments and discussing how to be safe, respectful learners. We are explaining to each other how we can use the learning assets of being good communicators, collaborators, thinkers, researchers and self-managers. We have also been learning about how to have a growth mindset and why it is important. There will also be lots of sports activities, starting with swimming trials and then swimming sports. Everyone will be looking forward to school athletics this term.
On the 3rd of February the captains received their badges at assembly and we are sure they will do a fantastic job. Let this school year be full of hope and grace.
By Sienna and Lilly 5/6L
Congratulations to our 2025 School, Liturgy and House Captains who made their pledge and were presented with their badges at our assembly this week. Wishing you all the best in your leadership roles this year!
House Captains: Blue: Caitlin, Eva, Red: Lilly, Lincoln, Gold:Jed, Levi, Green: Ruby, Bailey
Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting.
This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.
In this edition of SchoolTV - SCHOOL TRANSITIONS
Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents. It means your children are growing up!
However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.
In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn practical strategies to assist your child during the transition process and reduce stress and anxiety levels.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the School Transitions edition of SchoolTV
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour
At St. Joseph’s School we use a common language to support a whole school approach to positive behaviour. This common language is - ‘Be Respectful, Be a Learner, and Be Safe’.
All learning spaces within our school have a bright visual representation of this common language (as seen in the puzzle pieces above).
The aim of this approach is to ensure each child has the opportunity to fully participate, engage in the process of schooling and become a successful learner. The characteristics of a whole school positive behaviour approach include prevention, instruction, use of evidence-based practices, and utilising data for informed decision making. A positive behaviour approach supports teaching and learning environments so that the academic outcomes of students are maximised. The WSAPB provides a structure and process for school communities to establish and maintain a positive social culture.
Trish Martin and Kylee Bertacco
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Co-ordinators
To begin our 2025 learning journey at St Joseph’s we have begun discussing the concept of growth mindset. The whole school will read the picture story book “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds, which follows a character overcoming a challenge and developing her growth mindset.
Growth mindset is the understanding that our brain acts like a muscle – the more we use it, the stronger (and smarter) our brain becomes. Students have been discussing how our self-talk, or internal monologue, makes a huge impact on our mindset. The key word we have been prompting is ‘yet’! By tagging ‘yet’ onto a sentence it opens up the possibility that our brain is still learning how to master a skill and will become proficient over time, for example "I can't draw well yet!".
Canteen will resume this week. Canteen runs on Thursdays and Fridays and orders are placed through CDFpay. Just click on the button below to order.
When ordering remember to check the date you are ordering for, orders close at 9:00am for processing on canteen days.
Please see the attached information for parents from the Department of Education.
School closure dates for your diary
Friday, February 21, will be a school closure day.
Friday, March 7, will be a school closure day. Monday, March 10 is the Labour Day Public Holiday, and school will resume Tuesday, March 11.
Conveyance Allowance Term 1 2025
What is Conveyance Allowance ?
The conveyance allowance is a form of financial assistance to help families in rural and regional Victoria with the cost of transporting their children to their nearest appropriate school/campus. The conveyance allowance is available to eligible students travelling by public transport, private car and private bus. The conveyance allowance is also available to eligible students whose nearest school is not serviced by a free school bus.
Students attending a government or non-government school must:
• attend their nearest government or non-government school/campus appropriate to their year level at which admission is permissible
• be enrolled at a school/campus outside Melbourne’s metropolitan conveyance boundary
• reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from that school/campus attended
• be of school age (5 to 18 years old at time of application) and reside in Victoria.
Forms are available at the school office or download below. If you have any questions please contact the office or email
Applications are to be submitted to the school office by Tuesday, March 11 for processing.

Weekday Masses:
Tuesday Our Lady Star of the Sea, Inverloch 11:00a.m.
Wednesday 9:30am St. Joseph’s Wonthaggi
Friday 9:30am St. Joseph’s Wonthaggi
Weekend Masses Our Lady Star of the Sea, Inverloch Sunday 9:00am
St. Joseph’s Wonthaggi Saturday 6:30pm, Sunday 10:30am
PLEASE PRAY FOR; Recently Deceased: William Beattie Anniversaries: Peter Minic For the deceased clergy of the Diocese of sale. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. “May they rest in peace.” We pray for the sick, lonely and those suffering from illness and pain. May God’s merciful love shine on them.
Parish Office will be open on Wed & Fri 8.30am-4.30pm. All items for the bulletin or Mass intentions to be received by 5pm on Thursdays.
Advance notice for Parish BBQ- at Inverloch Feb 14th
Please note: There will be NO 6.30pm Mass at Wonthaggi on Saturday 15th February 2025, as all the Clergy in the Diocese of Sale will be attending the Diocesan Consultation & Assembly Meeting in Warragul.
Prayer Shawl Group : First Meeting : Wednesday 26th Feb @ 10.30am Inverloch Church Annex. The following month we will return to the 3rd Wed of the month (March 19th) Our group gathers for a cuppa & chat while creating shawls and rugs that are blessed at Mass & later wrapped to be given ( no cost ) , to those who may be struggling with life in ANY way . If you like to knit , cro- chet or sew up squares then come along - bring a friend .Patterns & yarns are freely available. Contact us if you know someone who would benefit from receiving a shawl or rug . Enquires: Philippa Warby 0408 331 340 Julie de Bondt 0407 535 032 Maureen Maartensz 0407 055 447
The Diocese of Sale Year of Jubilee celebrations continue in February, with the Warragul and Drouin parishes combining to host a celebration of the many, many long- serving artists within all the parishes of theDiocese. This event will take place on 23rd Feb at 11:00 am Mass at St Joseph’s Parish, Warragul followed by art exhibition in the Marian Centre. Fol- lowed by shared lunch and artist and art.
All parishes are invited to join in the Jubilee celebration of artists and their work and those who are artistic are welcome to bring a piece of their art to display. Please contact Parish Office at to register your interest and attendance at this Year of Jubilee celebratory Mass
Parish Bulletin: If you would like to start receiving a copy of the weekly bulletin to your email please click on the link to register (those currently receiving the bulletin do not need to do anything) id=001Ol00000B2zMPIAZ&req=subscribe
If you would like assistance, please see Ann at the Parish Office
St Joseph’s Wonthaggi Cuppa after Mass held on 1st Saturday & Sunday of the Month
Our Lady Star of the Sea—Inverloch Cuppa after Mass held on 1st Sunday of the Month
Diocesan Consultation & Assembly Prayer 24-25

Holy Spirit of Wind and Fire, come!
Startle us anew with your power and energy.
Blow fresh life through our tired dreams. Fan into a flame the gifts you have given us.
Light up the windows of our joy and purpose.
Spark bright fires of optimism deep within us. Reveal more clearly a vision of what is possible.
May we listen attentively
to your quiet whisper at our very core.
May we discern your call
expressed in the voices and stories of others.
May we build a Church
that radiates and nourishes our unity of faith.
May we be at one with all of humanity and the rest of God’s creation.
May we develop the courage to be people of mission,
alert to opportunities,
always on the move,
bringing Good News to our needy world,
Wind and Fire for one another.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Pray for Us.
Our Parish is committed to the safety, well-being and dignity of all children, young people and adults at risk. Find out more at: and
If you are concerned about any form of abuse, or believe that someone is at significant risk, you should immediately raise your concerns with one of our Parish Safeguarding Officers. Contact the Parish Office: 03 56 721 111 or St. Joseph’s School Safeguarding Officer 03 56 721 052. Take care, we are here to help.
If you are in need of urgent assistance, please phone either Father Darren Howie 0356 722 923 or Ann on 03 56 72111 or 04999 15 784.
Father Darren Howie Ann Hemming
Parish Priest Parish Secretary
St. Joseph’s Parish Wonthaggi
An international volunteer organization for girls and young women
Girls aged over 6 years are invited to Come and Try girl guides – 3 free sessions
At Wonthaggi Scout Hall, corner Parkes street & Wentworth road, Wonthaggi
Guide meetings resume Tuesday 4th February, 2025 at 4.30 to 6pm
Contact : Cheryl Bertrand : tele 0408 391 035 or
The 7 aspects of the Guide program – The Outdoors, Leadership, Community Service, World Guiding, Promise & Law, The Patrol system (Teamwork), Guiding traditions
For more information check the Girl Guides Victoria website at :