Child Safety and Wellbeing


As you are aware, new standards for Child Safety have been brought into effect for all Victorian Schools as set out in the Ministerial Order 1359. Creating child safe school environments is a dynamic process. It is marked by collaboration, vigilance and proactive approaches across policies, procedures, curriculum and practices. It is a process that involves active participation and responsibility by schools, families and their communities.

As a result of the new Victorian Child Safe Standards, schools are now required to undergo more vigorous screening and monitoring of volunteers. Under the Child Safe Standards, school staff  includes an individual working in a school environment who is . . . . a volunteer. This means that the stringent checking of referees, work history and so on that applies to the employment of staff in schools, also applies to schools in relation to the engagement of volunteers who are involved in child connected work.

Our school has many policies and practices which promote the safety and well being of all our students. As we continue to embed and share child safety messages with our students in a way they can understand, our school captains have put together a child friendly version of our Child Safety Policy. This child friendly version will be shared with all of our students over the coming weeks. 

Please click the link below to view a student friendly version of the child safety policy.